So I've moved to Warsaw! In the middle of a pandemic. Call it escapism, call it ballsy or even slightly idiotic but I left England behind to move to Poland.
5.5 years after vowing I was sticking to teaching in the UK, I decided life is too short to have a job that doesn't give you that all important work life balance. The life that we all seek, being able to travel or see new things but also earn a living doing something we love. I love teaching but working in the UK, I rarely got time to breathe let alone off I popped on a plane and well here I am.
I waited a few weeks (15 weeks to be precise) before writing about moving. I wanted to wait as, this year isn't just any year, its 2020. Now I know you might hate that phrase, it's 2020, but it is the best description to encompass the chaos that has been this year without going down the negative route. This year has been crazy. SO when I moved here, I didn't know how it would pan out. Would it be like Moscow, oh so social? Would I even make it over to Poland before the UK locked down again? Would school reopen in September? Way too many questions were zooming round my brain for me to sit and type on here that everything is great.
So lets just cover a few of those things;
- I made it to Poland in one piece before Lockdown 2.0

- It isn't as social as previous experiences but hell, its 2020, what was I expecting during Covid?
- School did reopen, we lasted so long without a single case - then we didn't and ended up going on distance learning twice.

It is hard, it hasn't always been easy. We are now into December and the UK put Poland on the quarantine list just as my October holidays were approaching. I have been home since moving and living solo has its downsides as well as its perks.
But over the coming weeks I will be posting up aspects of living in Warsaw that I have found bring happiness into my little 2020 universe. From walks, parks and bars (before lockdown) to coffee, a new found addition to novelty mugs and the Christmas build up!
But for now I'll leave you with 2020 we all had to sit back and spend time with ourselves, its been a year of catastrophic loss but also a year of immense clarity. It has been a year that united the world in a common goal, united the UK and brought people clapping for the National Health service in thanks, allowed us to spend more quality time with those in our household, it has been a year that made us appreciate the little things we used to take for granted. So I can officially say that when this world goes back to some form of normality, whenever that will be, I will no longer take the simple pleasures for granted.
Bring on Christmas 2020, let's see what you bring!
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