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Lets Start at the beginning...

Lets start at the beginning...

I have always been on the chubby side, never obese, never worried, just uncomfortable in my own skin. Over the years I've tried little diets, I've tried supplements but I've never had the will power to see it through. This all changed when I had to make the hard decision to quit my international job and return home to the UK. I came back to no job, moved back in with my mum, I basically hit a massive low. It was my choice to leave my job but even so it wasn't easy. I left friends and security behind but in return I gained my family and home town back. Here is where my healthy lifestyle began.

I arrived back into the country and into my mother's loving arms. For the first week whilst my mum continued to cook healthily as she was on "Slimming World", I sat there enjoying the glorious home foods and drinks that I longed for whilst living abroad. a few ciders here, a big bag of chocolate there and before you know it, I looked in the mirror and found myself chubbier than my normal self.

It was then and there I told my mum I wanted to join her on her "Slimming World" adventure. I signed up that week. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe just to test it but not actually commit to it, like usual. However, to my surprise, I enjoyed it. Hang on a minute this isn't a diet, it is quite literally, learning to food optimise and its working.

I hit the ground running with my first week, doing a mixture of food optimising and 'Body Magic' using Jillian Michaels' DVDs. First weeks weigh ins arrive and wehheeeyyyy I lost 3 pounds! OK it isn't as big of a loss as the others in the group and those contestants on the shows I have become addicted to, but I'm not a big girl, I use the word chubby because that's what I am. I am a standard pear shaped girl. I'm tall so I wear my weight well and I don't look as heavy as I am. I was ecstatic with 3 pounds off and it got me hooked. I started at 14 stone 4 pounds (200lbs, Biggest Loser and A Year to Save My Life, all use lbs). 

The following week I found it difficult. I joined the local gym, after scouring the local area for a nice, friendly gym where I wouldn't feel uncomfortable and out of place, however this week I went to my dads. My dads house was always the place that was full of temptations. My step mum (not the wicked kind) always stocked the fridge with my favourite ciders, in the freezer would be delicious ice creams, we would have take aways on Friday nights, Saturdays would be big meal followed by dessert and don't even get me started on my dads treat draw! Well I did have the Friday take-away, followed by alcohol and a desert and come weigh in day....I only lost 1/2 a pound. I know I should have been happy it was still a loss but....that's not how I felt. I felt gutted, deflated and down right rotten. I decided there and then I needed to commit to the plan because I missed the high from last week.

Third week in, no dads house, no alcohol, not too many syn foods. 5 pounds off! I felt invincible, it was magnificent the feeling I had.

Well to cut the story a little shorter I went away for the weekend and had a bad week of a little gain, then a loss and finally I'm back another loss and I'm down to 13 stone 8 pounds (189.5 lbs). 

It was during the meeting at "Slimming World" this week that we got told to fill out a form stating why we always want to lose weight so much, but it is during this period that we lack the most will power. We were told to try new things that will help us to continue on our weight loss journey. So here I am. I have started a fitbook at home, documenting my progress, my stats, my favourite recipes, exercises and items I want to buy. I've started trying new foods, new exercises and finally I am writing a blog. I felt if I write it all down and document it, well nothing can really be deleted from the Internet so its official.

I am here to continue my healthy lifestyle journey. I started 14 stone 4 lbs and have currently lost 10.5 lbs. My goal is to get down to 11 stone (154 lbs). Which I think is going to be a real challenge and I am usually one to lose motivation and give up so I am using this as a way to keep myself involved and motivated in this process. 

I bought a Vera Wang dress before I left my job. I bought it in a UK size 12. I started my healthy journey between a 16 and 18 depending on the shop and material. I personally just want to continue with this journey because I want that feeling when trying on clothes in the changing room, where even if the clothes don't look right, I still look good. I want to feel confident in my own skin. I want to be able to do things without complaining about my joints (prior medical issue due to my extreme growth spurt), I want to be able to do exercise without giving up because I'm tired, I want to not only look good but feel good in myself.

Well, I'm here for the long term. I will hopefully post pictures of new recipes that I'm trying, any items I've found that I really really want to support my journey and no doubt I'll be on here moaning, groaning, laughing, crying and hopefully squealing with excitement.


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